Things are going to get ugly

I just got a new cat!

I’ll be taking a brazillion pictures of it tomorrow, and will be turning this blog into a Kitty-Blog! He’s soooooo cuuuuuuuuute! (black, big head, two onths old)
Sorry. You have been warned.

5 Responses to “Things are going to get ugly”

  1. I don’t mind!! 😛

    My flickr site has the set of my cat, and I tried to select SOME to upload… lol

    Go ahead and present us….. what’s his/her name? 🙂

  2. Oh merde, je ne pensais pas qu’on pouvait tomber aussi bas…

    Tu avais littéralement raison en disant «Things are going to get ugly».

  3. Ahhhh vous êtes donc pas fins!!!! I think it’s sweet.. lol 🙂 En plus, les bébés chats sont de très bons modèles pour expérimenter le mode “en mouvement” de la caméra, hehe 🙂

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