Add image of existing product, publish, rinse, repeat.
You can keep doing this for years, and it keeps working.
Add image of existing product, publish, rinse, repeat.
You can keep doing this for years, and it keeps working.
Un article intéressant dans le New Yorker sur la démarche entreprise pour la création du logo des jeux olympiques de Sotchi.
Pour souligner le 30e anniversaire du Macintosh, Apple présente une nouvelle pub.
Filmée entièrement avec des iPhones. En une journée, à travers le monde.
Et bien sûr, un Making Of.
All signs point to Yes
You are here
This is bigger than you and me.
Everything was designed
is Me the opposite of You?
Yes, I DO believe that technology WILL save the world. Just not THIS technology.
We failed because we tried
Are you the frog in the milk or the frog in the boiling water?
Common sense is expensive
Rules are like wine glasses. It’s not a party until you break at least one.
If you don’t spend yourself once in a while, how are you gonna get change?